“How do I leverage CRM as a local business owner?” It doesn’t matter because you’re looking to attract businesses and have the need to retain them. In this episode, Michael will help you understand the uses of CRM and how it can help you grow your business in ways you never imagined!
In one of the previous episodes of Marketing Above All, Michael Tasner has shared about the one tactic all business owners should nail down to succeed, and that is tracking. In this episode, he is talking about a core element to tracking that not many businesses leverage – customer relationship management (CRM) tools and software.
So, you might be asking, why is CRM important? What can it do for my business or for any local business? That’s exactly what you’ll learn and find out in this podcast. Listen to the rest of this episode of Marketing Above All as Michael shares insights and illustrations on how to leverage CRM to grow your business and make it successful!
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