is the second largest search engine on the planet, and the perfect place to market and advertise your business. This episode will give you tips and tactics to get up and running quickly and to start getting new eyeballs on your business. Want access to the show notes and other freebees? Visit
Episode 010
Gone are the days when people would switch on the television to catch up on the latest news or simply get some entertainment. Nowadays, people would just do a few clicks and taps on their smart devices and then they can access information right at their fingertips. This is why many businesses tap on their social media networks to expand their reach and become more visible to their target audience. However, if there’s one platform you should consider in marketing your business, it would have to be YouTube.
In this podcast episode, Michael Tasner, CEO and founder of No Joke Marketing, explains why and how you can leverage YouTube as the perfect platform to get your business out there. With YouTube having a massive reach to people who consume a huge amount of content on a daily basis, creating YouTube ads and authentic, helpful video content would definitely bring promising results!
Listen to the rest of this Marketing Above All podcast episode and learn how to take marketing to the next level with YouTube.