
Episode 109: Tik Tok Famous

Tik Tok is continuing to explode as a platform. Becoming “Tik Tok famous” is actually a lot easier than you think. But…. is it the right move? Is it the right platform for your local business? Tune into episode 109 as the answer may surprise you.

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Episode 108: Disney Versus Universal – Who wins on service?

After visiting both theme parks this week I wanted to do an episode on one key difference between Universal Studios and the Disney theme park brands. I believe this is why Disney will keep winning time and time again. Tune into episode 108 for the reveal.

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Episode 107: The art of a guarantee

Does your local business offer a guarantee? If your business does offer a guarantee is there anything different about what the competition does? Most Importantly, how good are you and your company and delivering on that guarantee? Tune in episode 107 to learn more!

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Episode 106: Stealth Facebook Groups Strategies

For a local business, Facebook groups can be a great way to engage with your prospects and potential customers. In episode 106 I will give you a few of my secret tactics for growing your group quickly and how to turn it into a money making machine for your business.

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Episode 105: Your Customer Service Sucks

Would you frequent your business if you had a bad experience? The chances are high that it’s a hard no. Why are you expecting your customers to not be upset when they have a bad experience? Your customer service game needs to be on point if you want to stand the test of time. Tune…

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Episode 104: How to pick a name

A topic that comes up on a regular basis is naming. Local businesses often ask how to pick the best name, how to pick new product names and if there are any “easy buttons” to the process. In episode 104 I’ll teach you how I pick names in as little as two weeks.

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Episode 103: Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances

One of the cheapest ways to grow your local business is by partnering with other businesses. In the end each of your respective businesses grow with little out of pocket investment. In episode 103 I teach you the ins and outs of this guerrilla marketing strategy.

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Episode 102: Marketing With No Budget

Is it possible to grow a business with no marketing budget? The answer is both yes and no. While it takes money to make money there are some creative ways to grow your business without lots of investment. Tune in to episode 102 to learn how to market with little to no budget.

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Episode 101: Do you have a brand guide?

As you grow your local businesses the chances are pretty high that you will have different people or companies helping you with your marketing. Tune into episode 101 to learn how to put together a simple brand guide to keep everyone aligned and your valuable brand intact.

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Episode 100: How to Reactivate Lost Customers

The most expensive part in marketing is acquiring a new customer. The chances are pretty high that you’re going to have customers that come and go on a semi-regular basis. In episode 100, I will show you that those lost customers are not a burden but rather an opportunity for you to reactivate them and…

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