
Episode 029: Why You Should Publish a Book

Writing a book sounds like a daunting task for a local business owner. However, not only has the process gotten so much easier, the value and the image it creates for you and your business has also gone up. A book positions you and your business as an authority in your space. As an authority…

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Episode 028: Your Offer Is Stale

If you are running the same offer over and over again, it is getting stale. There is something called ad fatigue which essentially means that ad has run its course and the marketing dollars you keep investing are going down the tubes. Episode 28 will teach you how to make your ads rock and remain…

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Episode 027: How to Reactivate Old or Dead Leads

One of the best sources of hidden marketing assets is with old leads. The chances are pretty high that you have some leads that you haven’t done a great job at following up with. The chances are even higher than you can reactive some of those leads and start earning more money this week! Check…

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Episode 026: What are your prospects asking you?

One of the biggest rebuttals I get when I tell local businesses to produce more content is “of what?” Think about all of the questions you are getting asked on a day to day basis. Those questions should form the framework of your content strategy. If you want to learn how, this episode is for…

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Episode 025: How To Gauge Your Marketing Performance

As your local business invests in marketing, you need a way to make sure that it’s generating a return for your business. The entire point of marketing is for every dollar you invest to return back several dollars (or more) to your business. How can  you make sure you are generating a return if you…

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Episode 024: Why Vendor Fairs and Local Trade Shows Rock

Throughout the year, your local area has a variety of events. Whether those are trade shows, home shows or chamber of commerce events really doesn’t matter. What matters is that if your target customers are there, you and your business need to be there. Episode 24 gives you all the good stuff to reap the…

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Episode 023: Why You Should Be Doing Local Sponsorships

You know all those different charities, organizations, events and sponsorships you get asked to do on a regular basis? You should be doing almost all of them. Episode 23 will teach you how to maximize your dollars and your impact to grow your brand and market share locally.Want access to the show notes and other…

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Episode 022: Using Your Local Space To It’s Advantage

If you have any type of office or storefront you have some hidden marketing opportunities right in front of you. Imagine if you were able to bring your targeted prospects to your place on business on a regular basis with little to no marketing spend? Listen to episode 22 to learn about this amazing tactic.Want…

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Episode 021 : What Do your prospects and customers see?

I took a drive around the neighborhood and was shocked as to what I saw. If you want your business to be taken seriously and stand the test of time, the “front of your house” needs to be flawless. Episode 021 will teach you what to look for and the areas you need to focus…

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Episode 020: Where are your Prospects?

If you want to grow your local business, you need to be marketing where the attention is. If your prospects are hanging out on snapchat, start marketing on snapchat. If they are visiting a local gym, partner with that gym. Episode 020 focuses on lasering in on where the attention is. Want access to the…

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