
Episode 189: Conducting a Profitable Open House / Grand Opening

The culmination event to all your hard work is an open house or grand opening event. This is your chance to generate more business, show off to the community and elevate your new business quickly. In episode 189 I give you the step by step on how to pull off an amazing event that puts…

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Episode 188: Deploying Radio To Promote a New Business

Radio when leveraged the right way can help amplify your brand and further improve your other marketing efforts. In episode 188 I will teach you when to market on radio, how long the spots should be and how to ensure you get the best return for your investment.

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Episode 187: Using Billboards For More Awareness

Billboards or OOH (out of home) advertising are a great way to amplify your other marketing efforts. More than 70% of people consciously look at billboards during their 300 hours a year in their cars. In episode 187 I talk about the investments in billboards and how to design a winning strategy.

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Episode 186: What are the numbers saying?

As you get closer to launching a new business, you must manage based on the numbers. All the tactics that you have been taught will work 100% of the time, if you deploy them correctly. Tune into episode 186 to ensure your business hits its milestones and targets.

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Episode 185: Finding Strategic Partners

One of the most overlooked tactics in getting a new business off the ground is to leverage and partner with similar existing businesses. In episode 185 I go over a surefire strategy to help your business win and the businesses you are partnering with.

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Episode 184: Door Hangers and Flyers

One of my favorite tactics to generate interest is to put out door hangers and flyers in specific neighborhoods. In episode 184 I teach you the right ways to flyer and how to generate some quick traction for your business.

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Episode 183: Buying Unlimited Eyeballs

There are dozens of high quality places you can purchase more attention from. In episode 183 I will teach you how to pick some additional ad-platforms as your marketing continues to scale up, and what to look out for on those platforms.

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Episode 182: Better than TV Commercials

YouTube ads have a special place in my heart. In episode 182 I will teach you my favorite type of ads to run to get you targeted views for pennies on the dollar. Don’t invest another penny in TV advertising until you listen to this episode.

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Episode 181: Google Adwords For Growing a New Business

Imagine if you had the ability to get as many targeted eyeballs as you wanted within twenty four hours? Google adwords allows you to position your business in front of the right people overnight. In episode 181 I teach you the ins and outs of Google Adwords and what metrics you must measure for long…

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Episode 180: Using Facebook Ads To Jumpstart a New Business

Facebook is one of the best platforms to start branding your new business. If deployed correctly, it can provide you attention for pennies on the dollar and more leads than you can handle. In episode 180 I break down setting up Facebook Ads step by step and how to start off in the right direction.

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