Marketing Above All

Episode 059: Shop Local Movement

Did you know that you have an ace up your sleeve that you are not using often enough? The shop local and buy local movement is much stronger than you think. In episode 059 I will give you some tips and tools to ensure everyone knows your local business rocks!

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Episode 058: The Power of Focus Groups

What if there was a way for you to get feedback on anything related to your business that was unbiased and unfiltered? Focus groups are a perfect way to get insight into launches, products, services and prices so you can put your best foot forward from the start. I will teach you how I have…

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Episode 057: How You Answer the Phone

How do you or your team answer the phone? Think about it for a second. Would you buy from you? More often than not, the first impression on the phone isn’t helping the sales process. There are a few easy tweaks to make to your phone script and you will learn them all in episode…

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Episode 056: Company Attire – What you wear counts

Did you know that your appearance could be costing you (or helping you) grow your business? Your company attire is much more important than you may think. In episode 056 I will give you some tactics to make sure what you and your wears on a regular basis adds money to your bottom line.

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Episode 055: Guerrilla Marketing 101

The best selling marketing brand in the world is Guerrilla Marketing. It was started by the late Jay Conrad Levinson and focuses on using time, energy, imagination and outside the box ideas versus lots of money to produce better marketing results. As the former CMO of Guerrilla Marketing I will teach how to deploy Local…

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Episode 054: Targeted Direct Mail With Killer Conversion Rates (Tuesday)

In an era where digital marketing is expanding at double digit numbers, direct mail is being hung out to dry (or so many think).  Today is the perfect time to ramp up your direct mail efforts. In episode 054  I will share with you exactly what I am doing to see 10% or more response…

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Episode 053: Top 3 areas to focus on in 2020

There are hundreds of different marketing tactics and strategies you can deploy in 2020. In episode 053 I will cover the top three areas that I am focusing nearly all my efforts around. This will help you get your strategies in order and some guidance on where to invest your marketing resources.

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Episode 052: Shiny Object Syndrome

Far too often entrepreneurs get caught up in what I call shiny object syndrome. They always believe the grass is greener on the other side or there is a shortcut they may be missing. I will give you a strategy I have been using to give you the best of both worlds in episode 052. 

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Episode 051: Hitting the ground running in 2020

A fresh year (and a fresh century) is the perfect time to gain some massive momentum in your business. There are a few secret strategies you can deploy NOW to drive cash flow, growth and traction. Listen to episode 051 and start your year off right.

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Episode 050: 2020 Local Marketing Trend 7 – Social Influencers

The social influencer trend has taken brands by storm. There are going to be a lot of unique pivots in 2020 as well as some major opportunities to get in at the ground floor. Tune in to episode 050 to get all the tips.

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